I have been reading the postings [on the newsgroups] on this subject for awhile and feel it's time to tell my story.
I was a child about seven years old, in 1963, and I had a strange "dream". I was awakened by my covers on my bed being pulled back and in the dim light I saw a small greyish "man" with large shiny oval eyes holding the sheets back. Behind him were two others who just stared intently at me. I remember thinking, " Oh, the little doctors are here again. I have to go." I started to get out of bed and don't remember anything until I was being led back into my room. The two were standing staring at me and my "guardian" was leading me into my room by holding my right elbow. I climbed into bed and fell asleep
For years I would remember back to this "dream". It has only been within the last five years that I have noted the similarity to the abduction scenarios. I had never read or seen any sci-fi at that age that would have planted such a dream in my mind. I believe I was abducted and the fact I knew them as "the little doctors" convinces me that it wasn't the first time. I know I am leaving myself open to ridicule, but this was a revelation that I feel needs to be shared.
My son has also had an instance of observing a saucer shaped craft drifting silently over our suburb while he and a friend camped out in the backyard. They became scared, hid their heads under the sleeping bags and immediately fell "asleep".
In the Clear Lake area of California several of my friends and I were camping in 1975 when we saw a cluster of lights in the low clouds over the mountain we were on. Our attention was fixed by this silent phenomenon and as we watched the lights paused and then rushed towards us and stopped. We stood transfixed at this strange display for a moment and then the lights moved away. We commented on it and then my friend said. "It's already 11:00." We had "lost" about 45 minutes of time. I noticed that my dog, who had laying by my feet "seconds" before, was gone. I called to her and she came running out of the brush in an agitated state circling the camp area and sniffing about. We all then just went to sleep and didn't talk about it.
These experiences lead me to believe that something physical really is happening to people and that "greys" and "missing time" are indicators of that. I would hope that there are some people who want to seriously share these experiences with others who have encountered the same.
I am 38 year old male. These experiances were remembered without hypnosis. The Lake county one I am able to produce two witnesses that I am still in contact with. I have been tempted to undergo hypnosis for the childhood one but it seems frightening. The Lake county incident might be a good one to investigate if I could get the other two persons to go under too and then compare our stories. We have never discussed the incident except once a few years ago. We never really thought of abduction.
Thank you for your attention.
Another great story! Thank you for sharing it with us.
The 'Grey' that you refer to as your 'guardian' seems to be a familiar presence to many experiencers. You may wish to read the two research articles by Joe Nyman on this page regarding 'familiar entity' leading to a sense of 'dual identity'. Additional research on this intriging aspect of the 'abduction' phenomona will be published on this page in the near future.